9/42 Silverstream Blvd

Silverstream   7630


P O Box 5, Kaiapoi, 7644

Ph 03 5951489



 View my profile Dr George Dehn View my profile Dr Roger Dehn Dr Emily Bridson View my profile Open Hours Monday - Friday 9.00 am - 5.00 pm By Appointments Closed for Lunch between 1.00-2.00 pm Closed weekends and public holidays. After Hours In Emergencies Call 111 and ask for an ambulance To speak to a registered nurse call 03 5951489 for advice regarding management of your condition. The 24 hour Surgery is located at 401 Madras St Christchurch


Dr Don Ponnamperuma



Make an Appointment Request Repeat Prescription


Patient Portal form and guide

Health Navigator COVID

Online Enrolment

 NEW PATIENTS WELCOME TO REQUEST TO ENROL (Priority to Silverstream residents and families of enrolled patients, subject to capacity. Requests need to go on wait list. Enrolment is with the medical centre and not a specific doctor) Patient APP Invite Code to Create an Account : SMSILV Please Arrive on time as your Doctor may not be able to see you if you are late. Appointments are 15 minutes to cover one or two issues. If you have more issues, please book a double appointment. If you have a health concern or need medication, call us as usual on 03 595 1489. If you have a medical emergency or are acutely unwell, please call 111. If you have an urgent /acute condition, call us to speak to a nurse We have a number of acute appointments on the day, Depending on capacity you may be directed to the Pegasus After Hours Clinic in Madras Street. • Please note fees for phone/video consultations are the same as regular consultations. • If you need prescriptions, please request these online or by calling reception. GP & NP days are: Monday – Dr George Dehn, Dr Don Ponnamperuma Tuesday – Dr Don Ponnamperuma, Dr Roger Dehn Wednesday – Dr Roger Dehn , Dr Emily Bridson Thursday – Dr Roger Dehn, Dr Emily Bridson Friday – Dr Don Ponnamperuma, Dr Emily Bridson For enrolment eligibility and ID requirements, please visit : https://www.health.govt.nz/new-zealand-health-system/ eligibility-publicly-funded-health-services/guide-eligibility-publicly-funded-health-services GP's with Special Interests and skills: Dr George Dehn : Special interest and experience in : Musculo-Skeletal Medicine (Muscle and Joint problems, Sports injuries, steroid injections) and minor surgical procedures. Dr Roger Dehn: Special interest in : Mole checks, No scalpel vasectomy, Surgery, Men's health checks Dr Don Ponnamperuma: Special Interest in Musculo-Skeletal Medicine.